President John Adams was remarkable in his being a politician as well as his being a reclaimed philosopher. It was his good education that shaped his thoughtful observations and good decisions that helped build a stronger nation. He was a lawyer educated in Harvard and became a delegate in the First and Second Congress. It was the first of his many moves toward the path of independence. His diplomatic post service during the Revolutionary War made the alliance with France and Holland possible without entertaining the repercussions of war. During his term as the vice president he began to learn a strong belief in the power of America once it is honed. He worked through the vestiges of war to continue serving his post and establishing a country that is nepotistic and nationalistic even at the deepest levels. If you like to dress up like our great leader for Halloween or a Patriotic event, you recommend the following costumes below!
Adams continued sending forces to France to represent in the light of American Revolution and enlightenment. The Federalists supported his throng as he exposed the insults being received by the government from France and many allies, leading to a revision in his plan to create a new America. Adams moved to add additional men in the army and build more ships in case of emergencies and also as threat to imposing problems. With the appropriation of taxes and the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts, foreigners attempting to participate in Republican wars were thwarted effectively. Albeit the fact that there is a possibility of being capsized by the French army, Adams did not take the risk and withdraw from the battle in an attempt to lessen the damage it would cause the government. Instead of being treated with scorn, this action actually made him more popular: that he would not sacrifice the life of American citizens for a cause that is highly improbable was gathered as his greatest contribution to the government.